Deep Blue

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Deep Blue Story #11 | Nezha Mejjad is a Moroccan post-doctoral researcher in the field of geosciences and specialized on blue growth current challenges. She joined the Italian Institute of Marine Sciences – CNR Ismar (Italy) for a three-month online traieeship based on a project work based on

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Deep Blue Story #12 | Asmaa Chbel is a Moroccan PhD student from the Hassan II University of Casablanca Faculty Of Sciences. She took part to the three-month online traineeship with a project at the University of Santiago de Campostela - Laboratorio de Sistemática Molecular, CIBUS based in Spain

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Deep Blue Story #13 | Khadija Ouinfi is a Tunisian a post-doctoral researcher from the University of Tunis - El Manar specialized in marine biology, biodiversity and climate change. She implemented the three-month online traineeship with the University of Mohamed V – Rabat in Morocco and developed

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Deep Blue Story #14 | Minja Marijanski is a young Serbian researcher who took part to the Advanced Master course in Sustainable Blue Growth coordinated by the University of Trieste and the Italian Research Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS. She run a three-month online

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Deep Blue Story #15 | Khalihena Groune is a Mauritanian young researcher who took part to the three-month online Deep Blue Training collaborating with the Centre of Sciences of Materials of the Mohamed V University – Rabat (Morocco) in order to develop a project that could boost sharing knowledge

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Deep Blue Story #16| Esraa Abouelmaty is a young Egyptian researcher who experienced the online three-month internship within the Deep Blue project. She collaborated with the University of Barcelona in Spain studying the “Genetic diversity of the commercial striped venus (Chamelea gallina) clam and

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Deep Blue Story #17| Wiem Bousella is a young researcher from Tunisia who implemented a three-month online project work with the University of Kyrenia in Cyprus. She developed her studies on Ecotourism, Biological Invasions and Biosecurity about “Fisheries diversification, best practice framework

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Deep Blue Story #18| Ghada Neji is a young researcher from Tunisia who run a three-month online traineeship with the National Council of Research – CNR Ismar, Italy. She developed a research study within the framework of Co-EVOLVE project in order to analyse human activities and natural systems in

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Deep Blue Story #19 | Alessia Rossi is a young researcher and professional from Italy who joined the Deep Blue online traineeship for a three-month experience in collaboration with the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (Spain). Her studies focused on sustainable blue growth tackling “Marine litter

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Deep Blue Story #20 | Otman El Ouaty is a young researcher from Morocco who took part to the online traineeship programme of the Deep Blue project cooperating with the I nstitute of Geography and Planning of the University of Nantes (France). He specifically worked on the integrated approach to the