Deep Blue stories: Khadija in Morocco (remotely)
Deep Blue Story #13 | Khadija Ouinfi is a Tunisian a post-doctoral researcher from the University of Tunis - El Manar specialized in marine biology, biodiversity and climate change. She implemented the three-month online traineeship with the University of Mohamed V – Rabat in Morocco and developed the project work “Marine resources of economic interests in the Moroccan Mediterranean area: actual situation, technical and legislative measures to protect the collapsed stocks or threatened by overfishing”.
Her main objective has been to identify the causes of overfishing in the region and find solutions to make the fishing more sustainable in the long run. Finally, she found out that fish stocks are mostly overexploited due to overfishing and governance inefficiency. The fishery management failure has negative consequences upon the resource valuation and sustainability. Imperfection in coordination is among the reasons of this management failure.
About her experiences she says:
“The training that I had within the program of Deep Blue project positively impacted my career as a teacher, by developing several new skills namely digital communication skills, statistical skills by mastering new software without forgetting that through the Deep Blue project, I was able to develop my contact network. I had to deal with a professional team that showed serious commitment. Results of the training were accepted to be the subject of an oral communication in a digital congress in Marseille during the month of May”.
Khadija is now pursuing her research and teaching activities at the University of Tunis – El Manar in Tunisia.
Thank you for your contribution! Great job!
Do you want to follow the work of Khadija? Check her ResearchGate webpage ➡️
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