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Deep Blue Story #10 | Jihene Nouairi is a young Tunisian researcher of the University of Sfax interested in geosciences and marine natural mineral resources. “Seabed mining” is in fact one of the fundamental sectors of the Blue Growth Strategy of the European Commission, the...


Deep Blue Storie #9 | Nikola Holodkov is an Italian-Serbian young professional who took part to the online traineeship within the framework of the Deep Blue Project. He applied for the mobility programme but he had to turn his project into an online activity in...


Deep Blue Storie #8 | Chahinez Bourgueche is a young post-doctoral researcher from Algeria and developed a three-month online internship with the “ Institut de Systématique Évolution Biodiversité, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle” (ISYEB) based in Paris, France working on her project “Exploring the fascinating biodiversity...


Deep Blue Stories #7 | Soukaina Kaidi is a young researcher and PhD student in applied phycology at the University Chouaib Doukkali, Morocco. The aim of her research is to study ecology, genetic structure, and diversity of two kelp species along their southernmost distribution range...


The UE Programme for Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST is organizing an online awareness day for the Near Neighbour Countries´ Research Communities on the next 11 th March 2021. The 2-hour event is designed to explain the rationale of the COST Programme and...


The Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice Programs (MDP), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), will hold the Ninth Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD) on 20-21 September, 2021 virtually. If you would like to present at the conference, you...


The BlueMed Initiative, launched in 2014, addresses these challenges, working on all the relevant levels, stimulating pan-Mediterranean network-building and coordinating thematic platforms. The co-building of a shared Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, the subsequent goals prioritisation and the development of their Implementation Plans, as well...


The Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS partecipated in this initiative promoting the engagement of youth in the Central European Initiative (CEI) and the Adriatic Ionian Initiative (AII) regions in the framework of the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development...


Ministers from the 42 Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) countries have agreed to intensify their efforts towards a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean. Doing so, they want to promote the recovery of the region’s economies from the COVID-19 crisis, and address the environmental and...


The BlueSkills project, led by the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS and labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean, was the protagonist of an important event within the European Science Open Forum in Trieste - ESOF2020. The seminar " Blue...


Deep Blue Stories #6 | Alice Affatati tackled a fascinating topic: underwater noise pollution. Her Deep Blue mobility brought her to the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics (LAB) of the UPC, in Barcelona. Alice is an engineer who fell in love with marine science, and already...

foster euro mediterranean cooperation for a sustainable blue growth by given me a unique opportunity to get in touch with experts in my esearch field

Deep Blue Stories #5 | Nouh Izem’s project for the Deep Blue Mobility was an ambitious one: “to offer a good representation of hydrological and hydraulic processes through numerical modeling in order to better manage land use and provide beneficiaries and decision makers with scientific...
