Call Open: Active Young Citizens for Sustainable Development in CEI and AII Areas

The Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS partecipated in this initiative promoting the engagement of youth in the Central European Initiative (CEI) and the Adriatic Ionian Initiative (AII) regions in the framework of the United Nations Agenda 2030  for Sustainable Development. 

OGS Directors, Researchers and Technicians contributed to the overall objective of the initiative in order to raise awareness towards high school students on the UN Agenda 2030 (UNA2030) and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Along these lines, the Call aims at meeting the following specific objectives:

  • Encouraging the understanding of the principles and structure of UNA2030 and its SDGs.
  • Advocating the role of young & active citizens, as key actors for the achievement of the SDGs in CEI and AII areas.
  • Stimulating the elaboration of community-based and “SDG-proof” project ideas through participation in the Call.
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: Wednesday, 31 March 2021, 11:59 pm UTC+1

A comprehensive video gives an in-depth information on the principles of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the 17 SDGs. It also gives examples of areas and global challenges the world needs to tackle, together with some inspiring best practices of how to cope with the challenges, and make a difference; what can be done in our everyday lives; and ideas to be developed for fostering social, economic and environmental sustainability, at community, local and regional level. Have a look! Click here

More info:

Illustration of the goals for the Adriatic Ionian Initiative