Upcoming Event: Online Workshop on Blue Careers
The Union for the Mediterranean launches the Online Workshop on blue jobs and cross-cutting skills for young professionals and graduates of the Med Countries - 14-15 April 2021. The importance of the marine and maritime industries will continue to grow in the Mediterranean region: the “Blue Economy” sector is an engine of human and economic development for the entire region. Taking fully advantage of this sector’s potential will require a multi-skilled workforce from a wide variety of marine and maritime professional backgrounds, and areas such as marine biotechnology and marine renewable energy will also necessitate new knowledge, skills, and innovation. Currently, we find a variety of support tools and programmes tackling skills development, which need to be mapped and rationalized to avoid duplication and loss of efficiency. An effort has been made in this sense with the publication by the UfM of a handbook for academia, industry and policymakers on “Reinforcing the Innovation-Employability Nexus in the Mediterranean”.
Blue Skills required in the future are diverse: soft, technical, digital, social media, environmental, security, entrepreneurial, socio-economic, multi-disciplinary, languages, statistics, law, maritime spatial planning. This programme will be useful for students and young graduates from a wide range of academic backgrounds, and will cover topics relevant for a diversity of sectors and careers: business and incubators; smart specialization strategies; technological innovation for sustainable blue growth; talent circulation and partnership building; good practices. 80 students and young professionals, related to the HOMERe network and BlueSkills/OGS Alumni, will be able to follow the training in an interactive way, while the sessions will also be streamed for the general public.
Do you want to follow th panels on streaming? Connect to the youtube channel ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkKRWfvdEee5RRdcTu4rXPA
More information, concept note and agenda ➡️ https://ufmsecretariat.org/workshop-blue-jobs-skills-graduates/