Upcoming Event: International Workshop on the Application of ocean science and technology for the practice of sustainable “Blue Economy”
The Workshop is jointly organized in virtual mode by the Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned & Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) and the Committee on Capacity Development of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) during 8-9 November 2021.
The objective of the virtual Workshop is to highlight the role of ocean science and technology in blue economic development. The Workshop will introduce current concepts in the blue economy, followed by a discussion of specific topics that include coastal marine resources of economic relevance, environmental threats that endanger blue economic goals, the importance of ocean observing systems and the need for capacity development. By illuminating the use and misuse of Science and Technology in blue economies, the Workshop aims to help establish the foundation of scientific knowledge and ocean observations to support sustainable ocean development. The Workshop will be open to ocean scientists, government officials, policy makers, and representatives from industry and nongovernment organizations from NAM and other developing countries, as well as developed countries.
To participate, please register here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=nmzjwjyab&oeidk=a0…;
Deadline: 25 October 2021
Please note that before the Workshop a detailed programme will be made available to participants, who will also receive the details about connection to the virtual platform that will be used.
For more information about the topics of the workshop, please find the concept note here: https://scor-int.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Workshop-Announcement-B…;