The second MARMED - MARitime Cluster Management Education and Development Project newsletter has been launched!
The second newsletter of the MarMED project is now available.
The latest updates on the project, the objectives achieved and the next steps were the main topics of the second transnational meeting of the MARMED - MARitime cluster Management Education Development Project held in Lisbon, Portugal. During the meeting, important milestones were reached, next steps were agreed, doubts were dispelled and innovative ideas were generated that will lead the maritime sector into a sustainable and innovative future.
The results of the WP2 "Skill Gaps Analysis” are now available. The Skills Gaps Analysis aimd at reaching a deeper understanding of key skill gaps of current and future Blue Cluster managers, emphasizing the mismatch between current training programs and current market needs, in both technical (e.g., digitalization, foreign language) and soft skills (e.g., problem-solving, interpersonal skills).
The MarMED project was also presented to the audince during several european conferences:
The Blue Planet Economy Expoforum held in Rome (Italy)
The 8th Edition of SEAFUTURE held in La Spezia (Italy)
The European Maritime Day 2023 held in Brest (France)
For more information about the project, check out this link and to keep up to date with the latest news on the project, you can subscribe to the newsletter.