The first MARMED - MARitime Cluster Management Education and Development Project newsletter has been launched!

The new newsletter of the MarMED project is now available.

The new ERASMUS+ Project MarMED - MARitime cluster Management Education Development project aims at bridging the gap between the existing needs and thecurrent skill set of Maritime Cluster Managers ensuring the reskilling and up-skilling for an innovative professional profile toward an increased competitivenessof the Maritime Cluster in the Mediterranean area.

Maritime Clusters represent important policy tools to support sustainable growth and jobs across the Mediterranean. They promote the uptake of innovation, knowledge, skills as well as access to finance, ensuring that the support provided is effective and locally grounded. This is possible through joint actions promoted by socio-economic and institutional actors at the local, national, EU and sub-regional levels. Cluster management is a diverse and rather demanding activity, which requires a large set of different skills. However, there are very few training opportunities available for the present and future Maritime Cluster Managers.

The project is co-funded by Erasmus+, the EU Programme for education, training,youth and sport, in particular under the Key Action 2: Cooperation amongOrganizations and Institutions. It lasts 24 months, from December 2022 to December 2024. Under the coordination of ForMare – Polo Nazionale per loShipping the MarMED - MARitime cluster Management Education Developmentproject consortium is composed of seven Partners and three Associated Partners,operating in the Mediterranean Area.

The Consortium is composed by seven Partners:

  1. ForMare - Polo Nazionale per lo Shipping, Italy
  2. Cluster BIG, Blue Italian Growth Technology Cluster, Italy
  3. Forum Oceano, Cluster da Economia do Mar, Portugal
  4. Strategis, Maritime Centre of Excellence, Greece
  5. OGS, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale, Italy
  6. Metropolitan College, Greece
  7. Maritime MT, Mediterranean Maritime Research and Training Centre, Malta

 and three associated Partners

  1. FdM, Federazione del Mare, Italy
  2. DLTM, Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marittime, Italy
  3. CMT, Maritime Tunisian Cluster, Tunisia

For more information about the project, check out this link and to keep up to date with the latest news on the project, you can subscribe to the newsletter



