Deep Blue stories: Sergio in Greece
Deep Blue Stories #3 | Sergio Rejado travelled all the way to Athens to join the Mediterranean Information Office for the Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) in very important tasks. Spread awareness among members of Parliament, journalists and educators on the blue economy challenges, drafting and managing the technical contribution of MIO-ECSDE to the Union for the Mediterranean consultation on the future of the blue economy, contribution to the organization of a Summer University and support MIO-ECSDE team in the 2020 Mediterranean Action Day Campaign. You can read the First Mediterranean Assessment Report, to which Sergio contributed to and coordinated MIO-ECDSE network's input, following the link down below.
Due to Covid-19, things didn’t go smoothly as planned, and his 3 month project received an extension to 6 months that allowed him to accomplish most of his work plan. This show of adaptability and resilience didn’t go unnoticed, and MIO-ECSDE commends his proactive nature and respect for the Greek culture. Despite the setbacks caused by the pandemic, the Deep Blue mobility has proven to be a great opportunity for networking, professional growth and possible further collaboration.
About his experience, Sergio said:
“Despite the unforeseen circumstances and difficulties encountered, I am fully satisfied with the experience and the support of my MIO-ECSDE colleagues.[...] I sincerely hope that I will have more opportunities to collaborate and work together again with my MIO-ECSDE team in the future.”
The First Mediterranean Assessment Report - MedECC
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