Deep Blue stories: Piero in Greece
Deep Blue Stories #1 | Piero Fontolan participated in the Deep Blue mobility project this year, travelling to the Grecian isle of Lipsi to take part in an evaluation of the Katsadian bay. The main goal was to “evaluate how much less stress an ecosystem such as Katsadia would suffer thanks to the installation of ecological fixed moorings” to prevent an excessive number of boats affecting its ecological value.
To Piero, the mobility provided “such a golden opportunity for developing a real case intervention in the field of blue growth”.
We asked Piero to share with use some insights about what Deep Blue mobility meant for his career:
"The mobility allowed me to be involved, going from blah-blah to blue-blue [...] and learn new, practical skills. I’ve always thought that’s fundamental to get out of the office and see firsthand how things really work in the sea."
He strongly believes that the project he partook can be applied in the near future if the correct policies are set in motion, creating in return new blue economy jobs and revenue.
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Further info about the project on our website