CREATE - Climate Refugees Exist: let’s stArt to Talk about it

Are you interested in learning more about climate change and how this issue is linked to environmental disasters and people migration
In order to raise awareness in this regard, the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS launched CREATE - Climate Refugees Exist: let’s stArt to Talk about it | SciEnce Diplomacy as an innovative tool to unlock the potential of dialogue with citizens and society, project co-funded by the Central European Initiative - CEI.

CREATE aims at promoting scientific diplomacy as a key tool for finding common solutions to climate change and refugees by involving scientific and local communities. Its main goals are to boost the role of Trieste as a key city for raising awareness on the climate refugees issue and to create a tool for encouraging debate and reflection on these topics.

OGS designed and further developed the project through the unconventional learning method of the role-playing game, which is a powerful tool to address sensitive issues, by encouraging participants from different backgrounds to engage in a serious and fact-checked reflection.

The official version of our innovative role-play game is now available online.

For the English version check this link 
For the Italian version check this link

CREATE - Climate Refugees Exist: let’s stArt to Talk about it