Fabrizio Zgur
PhD in Applied Geophysics with a thesis focussing on the application of reflection seismic methods to the Environmental Engineering (2002) Occupation: Technologist at Istituto Nazionale di Ocenaografia edi Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS in Trieste since 2003 Current responsibilities: Coordinator of the marine data acquisition group (Infrastructures Division), that gathers the technological and scientific expertise for the operating management of the research vessel OGS Explora, the scientific equipment of the ship and the offshore operations on external platforms Professional skills: Planning, management and execution of marine geophysical surveys. In particular, he took part to 41 scientific cruises (770 days at sea), as principal investigator, party chief, surveyor, responsible of geophysical data quality control (single and multichannel seismic, sub bottom profiling and multibeam). Summary of teaching activities: In the year 2014 he held a 18 hrs course of “Geophysical Monitoring Techniques in Marine Environment” within the framework of the High Formation project “Enhancement of multidisciplinary marine research infrastructures in Sicily, Campania and Puglia as a contribution to ESFRI EMSO (EMSO‐Medit)” Since 2012 he gives lectures on the topic "Oceanographic vessels and acoustic methods" within the Marine Geology course at the University of Trieste. In the year 2011 he has been Co-supervisor of a six month fellowship within the ICTP (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Pyhiscs) TRIL programme for training and research in Italian laboratories. Topic: advanced processing of multichannel seismic data.