Cosimo Solidoro
Phd in Chemistry (1993), Degree in Industrial Chemistry (1990). Solidoro is a Senior Scientist at OGS, where he also is the director of the Oceanography section and the head of OGS marine system modelling group. He holds associations to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, where he gives a course on Ecological Modelling and Biogeochemistry, and to the University of Trieste, where he gives a course on “Ecosystem dynamic, ecological models, and sustainability”. President of the International Society of Ecological Modelling - European Chapter, Italian National Representative of IGBP program Integrating Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecological Research, IMBER, he qualified as full professor in Ecology and in Oceanography. Recipient junior Prigogine Medal. Author or co-author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles ( www.ogs.trieste.it/it/users/cosimo-solidoro)
He was the Scientific Coordinator for several projects on coastal oceanography, ecosystem approach to fishery and aquaculture, marine ecosystem modelling, and he is now the coordinator of the EU project SHAREMED (on environmental threats and pollution in european seas) and the italian prin ICCC (on biogeohcemical cycling of heavy metals) .