Simone Libralato
Dr. Simone Libralato, MSc (1998) and PhD (2004) in Environmental Sciences at University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy; visiting PhD (2003) student and Visiting Scientist (2004) at Fisheries Centre (University British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada). Since 2008 is a Researcher at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, in Trieste (Italy). He has a background in ecological modelling and quantitative analyses with special emphasis on individual based models, trophic web models and ecotoxicological models. Programming and development of bioenergetic models for representing the growth of fish and shellfish; models of populations structured in age classes. Advanced user of Ecopath with Ecosim for the building of food web models of coastal and open sea ecosystems and integration with hydrodynamic/biogeochemical models. He applies these methods for studying the effects of different stressors including fishing, aquaculture, pollution, climate change and nutrient input. Coordinator of the Italy-Croatia Interreg project FAIRSEA (Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea - a Shared Ecosystem Approach), and PI in projects PRIZEFISH (Piloting of eco-innovative fishery supply-chains to market added-value Adriatic fish products), ATLANTECO (Atlantic ECOsystems assessment, forecasting & sustainability), STRATMA (on Marine Strategy Framework Directive), VENEZIA2021 (Research program for the Venice Lagoon ecosystem), and Noci di Mare (regional project on the invasion of Mnemiopsis leydi in the Adriatic Sea). In the past has served as coordinator of activities in the regional project for sustainable aquaculture, (SOSTEMITS), coordinator of Task in the RITMARE Italian flagship project, PI on end-to-end modelling in EU projects PERSEUS and OPEC. Lectures given on ecological and food web modelling: 2015 Danube Research Institute, Hungary; 2012 University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; 2010 WWF-MedPan, Turkey; 2010/2009/2008 University of Padova; 2009 SESAME Summer School, Malta; 2009 CIHEAM-IAMZ and GFCM, Zaragoza, Spain; 2001, 2002, 2003 Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia. The research activity is documented in more than 80 peer-reviewed publications, H index 31-27 (Scholar-Scopus).