Stefania Gorbi
Associated Professor (SSD BIO/13 - Applied Biology) at Department of Life and Environmental Science, DiSVA), Polytechnic University of Marche. She teaches “Biology Laboratory” Biological Sciences first level degree, “Ecotoxicology and Fundamentals in Environmental Impact Assessment” Environmental Science and Civil Protection first level degree. She is Tutor of Doctorate School in Life and Environmental Sciences (Marine Biology and Ecology Curriculum), where she teaches “Biotechnology applied to the environment”.
She is involved as PI or collaborator in research projects funded by EU, Italian Ministry of University and Research Ministry (MIUR), Ministry of Health, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italian Research Council (CNR).
She acts as international reviewer of Research Projects for Universities and Institutions including NERC, Natural Environment Research Council and SNF Swiss National Science Foundation.
She is involved in reviewer’s activity of scientific journals such as Marine Pollution Bulletin, Marine Environmental Research, Ecotoxicology, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Chemosphere, Aquatic Toxicology, Environmental Science and Technology.
The main research interests are related to the use of aquatic organisms as bioindicators of chemical pollution and environmental disturbance, with emphasis to bioaccumulation processes and biological effects induced at the molecular, cellular and biochemical levels by conventional (heavy metals and organic compounds) and emerging contaminants including pharmaceuticals, bioactive compounds and microplastics.
She is author/co-author of 52 publications, on ISI journals with IF, with a total of 1955 citations and an H-index=24(http://www.scopus.com).
SCOPUS AUTHOR: 6507761414