Michele Giani
Michele Giani is a marine biogeochemist at the Section of Oceanography of the OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics) of Trieste. He has experience in the study of biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and of the dynamics the carbonate system in the marine environment. He coordinated national research and monitoring programs as MAT-Processes of mucilages formation in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas 1994-1998, Progetto Emergenza Mucillagini 2004, Ostreopsis ovata and Ostreopsis spp.: new risks of microalgal toxicity in the Italian seas 2008-2011. He participated also to several international projects: SESAME FP6, MEDSEA FP7, PERSEUS FP7, ECO2 FP7, FIXO3 FP7, EMODNET CHEMISTRY3, RINGO EU projects. He participated to 39 oceanographic cruises and to the XXI Italian Antarctic Expedition (2005/06). He is author of more than 100 original papers in peer reviewed journals, 10 book chapters and 166 communications at national and international congresses and workshops. Currently, he is the head of the Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research Group at OGS. He is member of the Presidential Board of the Italian Association of Oceanography and Limnology (AIOL) and of the Editorial board of the scientific journal Advances in Oceanography and Limnology. He has been tutor of 8 fellowships for postgraduate students in environmental and marine science and has been tutor or correlator of 12 master degree thesis and 3 doctorate thesis. He has given 18 lectures and seminars in research institutes and universities regarding the chemical oceanography, marine biogeochemistry, carbon cycling and ocean acidification.