Miroslav Gacic
Dr. Miroslav GACIC, is a Physical Oceanographer at the Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS, Trieste (Italy) and former Head of the Oceanography Group. His main research interests and activities have been focused on the Adriatic Sea and have been related to: a) the deep water formation processes and their influence on the nutrient input into the euphotic zone, b) the thermohaline circulation inside the basin and its interannual variability and decadal variability, c) the response of the basin to atmospheric forcing on various time scales, and d) water exchange between semi-enclosed bays and seas, and adjacent basins. Important aspect of his activity has been oriented towards the interannual and decadal variability of the Adriatic thermohaline properties and interaction with the Eastern Mediterranean. He was Chair of the Committee of Climate and Physics of the Sea of CIESM for eight years and a member of the International Scientific Steering Committee of the HyMeX project. He acted as Guest Editor of two special issue of Journal of Marine Systems and he was involved as Guest Editor of the special issue of the Continental Shelf Research dedicated to the South Adriatic. He produced as editor and co-author the book “Physical Oceanography of the Adriatic Sea”. He co-authored about 120 scientific papers in international journals or books. He has been teaching Physical Oceanography course in the Ph.D. programme and the Diploma Course at the International Centre of Theoretical Physics. He has been acting as a reviewer of a number of submitted papers to important international journals.