Carlo Franzosini
Marine biologist at Shoreline. Part of the staff to the Miramare marine protected area (Trieste, Italy): management planning, biological and biophysical monitoring, fisheries resources, education, communication. Chairman of the Board of Shoreline (the cooperative company set up by the personnel working in Miramare MPA): consultancies, training, vocational training. Co-founder of AdriaPAN network, the operational tool connecting all coastal and marine protected areas of the Adriatic Sea - part of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic- Ionian Region - as a measure addressed to the protection of Environment and Biodiversity. Founding member of the Trieste branch of WWF-Italy. Member of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas - Marine: Mediterranean and the Black Seas. In charge for the training on management of marine-coastal Protected Areas in the Mediterranean region, on behalf of UNEP-MAP RAC / SPA (Regional Activity Center for Specially Protected Areas, Tunis). Consultant for the TAIEF Program - Environmental Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Facility of the EU Commission for the short-term assistance on environmental issues in Africa, Asia and South America. Expert appointed by the EU Commission, DG 1 B, for the realization of missions in third countries for environmental issues within the humanitarian aid programs. Consultant for the UNEP-MAP RAC / SPA (Tunis) - Periodic review of Marine Protected Areas included in the list of SPAMI - Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (Barcelona Convention, SPA Protocol).