Claudia Ferluga
Graduated in Natural Sciences in 2000, she lives in Trieste and deals with cross-border cooperation, participation, environment and sustainability.
Since 2001 she has carried out consultancy related to environmental impact and sustainable planning and design.
Since 2005 she is dealing with project and participated process management and Agenda21.
From 2007 to 2016 she collaborated in the management of a protected area in the province of Trieste, the Val Rosandra- Dolina Glinščice Nature Reserve.
She has carried out training activities and holds seminars at the University of Trieste on environmental assessment tools and participated processes.
She has participated in several European territorial cooperation projects both as project manager and as a consultant, contributing to activities related to environmental issues and designing and managing cross-border workshops with participatory techniques.
Since 2016 she is a member of the Joint Secretariat of the INTERREG V-A Italy-Slovenia cross-border cooperation program as Communication Officer.