Riccardo Farneti
Research Scientist/Coordinator of the ESP Diploma Course at ICTP. His research interests include: Ocean-Atmosphere dynamics and coupling, Role of the ocean in climate variability, predictability and change, Structure and variability of the Atlantic and Southern Ocean, Meridional Overturning Circulation, Meridional energy transport. Development of simplified coupled ocean-atmosphere models.
2005: Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography at the National Oceanography Centre, UK, under the supervision of Prof. P. Killworth.
2006-2008: Post-Doc, GFDL/AOS Program, Princeton University, USA. Faculty sponsor: Prof. G.K. Vallis.
2008-2010: Research Scientist, GFDL/AOS Program, Princeton University, USA. Faculty sponsor: Dr. T. Delworth.
2010-ongoing: Visiting Scientist, Earth System Physics Section, ICTP, Trieste, Italy.