Annalisa Falace
Researcher at the University of Trieste (SSD BIO/03), she is Member of the Committee for the PhD Course in Environmnet and Life and aggregate Professor in Marine Algae Taxonomy and Ecology at the University of Trieste, where she covers the course of “Biomonitoraggio e gestione degli ambienti costieri” for graduate students.
She had been Erasmus teacher at the Marine Biology Institute of Roscoff (France) for the course of “Phytoécologie marine en mer mégatidale” and Member of the Committee for the PhD Course in Environmental Sciences (2009-2013) at the University of Trieste.
She holds a Ph.D in Environmental Sciences, Biomonitoring and Environmental Sciences at the University of Trieste (Italy) and a degree in Biological Sciences, University of Trieste (Italy). She participated a Research training courses in marine ecology/phycology Station Biologique Roscoff - Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI, C.N.R., INSU (France) and a Research training in marine phycology Observatoire Oceanologique Laboratoire ARAGO di Banyuls-sur mer (France)
Her research focuses on “Macroalgal Biodiversity and Ecology”. She fosters an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to address challenging questions, with a combination of taxonomy and eco-physiological approaches. Her expertise is related to: Biology and Taxonomy of marine macroalgae; Ecology and Conservation of coastal habitats; implementation of long-term and large-scale monitoring programs on benthic flora biodiversity, habitat distribution, status and trends; Ecology and design of artificial habitats structures; Coralligenous and Rhodolith Beds.
Projects she jointed have been carried out in an international partnership in the framework of the Interreg, LiFE and PRIN projects.