Stefano Covelli
Associate Professor in Geochemistry (SSD GEO/08) at the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of Trieste University. He is currently lecturer of Geochemistry (9 CFU, Degree Course in Geological Sciences) and Environmental Geochemistry (6 CFU, Master Course in Geosciences) and member of the Scientific Board for the Ph.D. course in "Environmental Life Sciences" jointly offered by the Universities of Trieste and Udine.
The main research interests are on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury in the aquatic environment (rivers, lakes, estuaries, lagoons) and especially in the coastal environment of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, one of the most contaminated areas in the world in relation to this metal. Scientific production is particularly focused on this potentially toxic element and it is also the result of a fruitful collaboration with colleagues from national and international research institutions. Besides, he is also involved in studies on contamination of coastal marine sediments, including organic contaminants (ex. nutrients, TBT, PAHs), focusing on biogeochemical aspects of potentially harmful metal(loid)s, their mobility, dispersion and accumulation in sediments with respect to the natural (riverine inputs of suspended matter, water-sediment interactions) and anthropogenic (dredging, landfills at sea) inputs. He is co-author of 60 peer-reviewed articles (SCOPUS H Index = 21, 1724 total citations by 1117 documents), 4 book chapters, 11 publications in the Conference Proceedings, 23 extended abstracts and 85 abstracts (oral and poster presentations) at national and international conferences.