Angelo Camerlenghi
Angelo Camerlenghi owns a Bachelor in Geology (University of Milano, 1984), Master of Science in Geological Oceanography (Texas A&M University, 1988) and a Doctoral Degree in Earth Science (University of Milano, 1991). He is director of the 'Geophysics' Research Department of OGS since 2012. Previously he has worked as Research Assistant at the Ocean Drilling Program (1986 - 1988), Secretary of ESCO (ESF Scientific Consortium for ODP), University of Milano (1989 - 1991), Researcher (1991-2004) at Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) and ICREA Research Professor (2004-2012), Istitució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Geologia. His teaching and academic background includes the roles of: Lecturer in the Laboratory of Geology, University of Milano (1990-1991), Contract Professor of Marine Geology University of Milano (1997-1998), Lecturer in Geosciences, International Maritime Academy di Trieste, Italy (1999), Associate Professor University of Barcelona, Faculty of Geology, European Master Program of Oceanography and Management of the Marine Environment (2007-2011), Contract Professor of Marine Geology, Department of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste (2012-present). He is also a member of the Council of the International Doctorate School Fluid Mechanics and Earth Sciences (FMES), University of Trieste, ICTP, and OGS (since 2013). Research interests are in the fields of Geology and Geophysics of continental margins, Submarine geohazards, Scientific drilling.