Maurizio Brocchini
Maurizio Brocchini is an expert in the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics of coastal and nearshore waters. His main area of research is the mathematical and numerical modeling of shallow water flows. He graduated in Theoretical Physics, with full marks and honours, in 1989 at the University of Bologna (Italy). He earned his PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1996 at the University of Bristol (UK), under the tutoring of Prof. D.H. Peregrine. Currently, he is Full Professor of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy and Head of the Department of Civil and Building Engineering and Architecture. He was tutor for 13 PhD theses and for over 25 MSc theses. He managed and collaborated to 11 European Union funded projects, 3 international collaborative research projects and 4 national research projects funded by the Italian MIUR. He is Associate Editor of the scientific journals: Journal of Waterways Ports Coasts and Ocean Engineering, A.S.C.E. and Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, Springer. He is also member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Coastal Engineering, Elsevier; Journal of Hydrodynamics, Elsevier; Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing; Ocean Engineering, Elsevier. He is author/co-author of over 220 peer-reviewed papers, of which about 100 appearing on ISI/Scopus-listed international journals, with total citations exceeding 1400 and h-index of 21 (Scopus)/20 (ISI). He was awarded by the European Community a Marie Curie Fellowship for research in the years 1993-1996.