Carla Braitenberg
Associate Professor in Geophysics, Head of the Geodynamics and Tectonophysics group at the Department of Mathematics and Geosciences of Trieste University. Responsible of the tilt-strain geodetic network of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
She is currently Dean of the Bachelor Degree in Geology and of the Master Degree of Geosciences at the University of Trieste, where she is lecturer of Informatics for Geologists, Potential Fields Methods, and Geodetic Monitoring and Remote Sensing. She is member of the Scientific Board of the Ph.D. course in "Earth Science, Fluid-Dynamics, and Mathematics. Interactions and Methods" hosted by the University of Trieste.
Main research interests are in physical Geodesy, spaceborne gravimetry, gravity field and geoid modelling, microgravimetry, future gravity field satellite mission requirements, geodetic-oceanographic ocean monitoring, geodynamic isostatic modeling, remote sensing, crustal deformation. Moho and basement inversion, lithosphere structure.
80 scientific papers in refereed journals and symposia proceedings recorded in Scopus database, author h-index 23, editor of two books.
Over 100 presentations at scientific meetings, 15% of which invited. Chair of the 18th International Geodynamics and Earth Tides Symposium 2016.
Supervisor or cotutoring of 9 PhD dissertations
Supervisor of 28 Batchelor and Master thesis