Stanislao Bevilacqua
PhD in Basic Ecology. National scientific qualification as Associate Professor (SSD BIO/05 – Zoology, and BIO/07 – Ecology). Main research area concerns marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, with particular focus on benthic systems, in relation to conservation and impact assessment. Post-doc research position (University of Salento) focusing on impact assessment of offshore platforms (2005-2009), and also (2010-present day) on biological and environmental monitoring of coastal systems threatened by oil-chemical industries and power plants. Participation to 25 research projects at national and international level on environmental impact assessment and monitoring, marine resource management, and biodiversity conservation. Professional activity and scientific consulting for public and private bodies at national and international level related to Marine Protected Area (e.g. MEI-Italia - IUCN, Pro.Act Natura 2000), sustainability and feasibility of coastal and offshore structures such as pipelines and outfalls (e.g. Trans Adriatic Pipeline, Acquedotto Pugliese), harbours (ItaliaNavigando, Igeco S.p.A), offshore wind farms (e.g. Skysaver, Trevi Energy, WindPower), resource management (e.g. Migoriap – Regione Puglia) and environmental and biological monitoring and assessment (e.g. Office de l’Environment de la Corse). Seminar lessons in academic courses at national and international level. Honorary fellow in Applied Zoology (University of Salento). 33 publications on ISI journals and more than 60 other scientific papers (congress proceedings, publications on non-ISI journals, technical reports).