Vincenzo Armenio
Born in Palermo, Jan. 18, 1962. Graduated in Mech. Eng. and Naval Arch., Nov. 1996, cum laude, University of Naples. Ph.D in Naval Hydrodynamics, Jun. 1992, Univ. Trieste. Researcher at INSEAN, Apr. 1987 -Oct. 1988. Assistant Professor at Dept. of Naval Architecture, University of Trieste, Nov. 1990-Jun. 1997. Assistant Professor at Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of Trieste, Jul. 1997 -Jan 2005 Associate Professor of Hydraulics Feb. 2005 – 2012, Professor of Hydraulics, 2013- present. Visiting scientist at University of Maryland at College Park, Maryland, USA, (1998) and MAE-UCSD, short periods 2000-2004. Research activity in different fields of fluid mechanics, in particular modelling and analysis of turbulent fields using LES. Director of the School of Doctorate Environmental and Industrial Fluid Mechanics, Università di Trieste, ICTP,OGS,ISMAR,OSMER, http://poseidon.ogs.trieste.it/phd/fluid/ 2005-2013, Member of Committes for selection of University and Research Center Researchers, for post-doc positions, and for qualification of Engineer. Tutor of Master and PhD students. Referee service for about 20 ISI journals (among them J. Fluid Mechanics, Phys. Fluids, J. Hydr. Eng.) Referee service for the evaluation of Scientific Projects for: MIUR, Italy; NSF, The Netherlands; NSF Georgia. Member of the Scientific Committee of International conferences on Turbulence. Member of the following associations: APS IAHR, IAS. Invited to give Seminars in National and International Institutions. Keynote speaker in Int. Conferences. PI of European, National and Regional Research Projects (7). PI of research and consultant projects for private companies (10). Author of about 130 articles, 3 chapters of books. h-index=16, 1204 citations on SCOPUS